Re: for_each loop on a map without a functor

"Daniel T." <>
Sun, 20 Jan 2008 18:47:00 -0500
In article
 nguillot <> wrote:

On 18 jan, 22:13, "Daniel T." <> wrote:

On Jan 18, 3:41 pm, nguillot <> wrote:

On 18 jan, 21:03, "Daniel T." <> wrote:

On Jan 18, 5:45 am, nguillot <> wrote:

So the question: how write the for_each line?

Hmm, the for_each line I wrote above compiles fine for me. What
compiler are you using?

I tried on VC++ 6.0 and on visual studio 2005...
and you

Visual Sutdio 2005 compiles the following just fine:
=== begine code ===
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

typedef int k;

class d {
   void setIntMember( int i ) { }


template < typename Pair, typename Op >
class CallFuncOn2nd_t {
   Op fn;
   CallFuncOn2nd_t( Op fn ): fn(fn) { }
   typename Op::result_type operator()( Pair& v ) const {
      return fn( v.second );


template < typename Pair, typename Op >
CallFuncOn2nd_t<Pair, Op> callFuncOn2nd( Op fn ) {
   return CallFuncOn2nd_t<Pair, Op>( fn );


typedef std::map<k, d> tMap;

int main(){
   tMap m;
   for_each(m.begin(), m.end(),

callFuncOn2nd<tMap::value_type>( bind2nd( mem_fun_ref( &d::setIntMember ),
4 ) ) );}

=== end code ===

ARF !!

It's my fault.
I had not seen the function callOn2nd. I only saw the class!
So, ok, the code compiles (on g++).

I don't understand why we can't define only the class (if we do that
and call directly the class in the for_each:
it doesn't compile:
wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) provided for
`template<class Pair, class Op> class CallFuncO

the same loop with the function is ok.
I would think that in
the constructor would "set" the Op template arg, the second being
specified between <>.

The compiler will not infer types on template classes, only functions.
Both template parameters must be declared when using the class directly.
i.e., you would have to do this:

   for_each( m.begin(), m.end(),
      CallFuncOn2nd_t< tMap::value_type,
      binder2nd< mem_fun1_ref_t< void, d, int> > >(
      bind2nd( mem_fun_ref( &d::setIntMember ), 4 ) ) );

So this solution is ok, modify the object within the map, not a

I think the boost bind solution is better.

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