Re: Memory leak problem?

"Bo Persson" <>
Sat, 2 Feb 2008 13:07:21 +0100
Philip Ogunbona wrote:

This code is an implementation of class member function. The whole
code where the class and the member function is being used compiles
and works as expected. The problem is that I am returning a pointer
    to a container I created in this member function and I have not
DELETED it. Does this not constitute a memory leak? How do I get
around it without
changing the signature of the member function?

Yes, a new without a delete is an obvious leak. :-)

Someone has to do the delete at the proper moment, obviously. You can
either pass the responsibility on to the code calling the function, or
keep a copy of the pointer inside the class, so you can call the
delete later.

If it is at all possble to change the signature of the function, I
would return the vector buy value. That avoids your problem
altogether, instead of "solving" it.

Bo Persson


Philip O.

Code implementation of member function.

vector<int> * kNN::classify(vector<vector<double> > &testvector)

vector<int> *classVector = new vector<int>(testvector.size());

vector<pair<int,double> > distance(numFeatures); // numFeatures is a
data member of class kNN

for (int i =0; i < testvector.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++)
// pick up the class of the feature; it is the last element of the
vector distance[j].first = int(trainData[j][vecLen-1]);
//compute L2 distance between probe/testvector and each of the
training vector
distance[j].second = euclidean(testvector[i], trainData[j]);
//sort the distance vector in ascending order of magnitude
stable_sort(distance.begin(), distance.end(), lessDistance());
//pick the class with the most appearance in the top k entries

#ifdef DEBUG
copy((*classVector).begin(), (*classVector).end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
return classVector;


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