Re: Array size

"Jim Langston" <>
Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:25:34 -0800
Pavan wrote:

On Feb 18, 6:18 pm, Michael DOUBEZ <> wrote:

Tim Love a ?crit :

Pavan <> writes:

First of all is it safe to do like that?

First of all, check that it's legal ANSI C++. No doubt it will be
one day, but is it yet?

It is valid C99 and it is true that now, most c++ compiler will
accept this code unless you specific strict compilation options

int n = 0;
cin >> n;
int arr[n];

Suppose when we run this application, we enter value of n as 10,
then does it create an array for 10 integers or does it create
only for 0?

It does create a array of 10 elements. It is called VLA (Variable
Length Array).

First of all is it safe to do like that?

I don't know; what happens if n<0 ? I guess C is silent about this

Do you really need it ? I guess not.
Why don't you use a plain vector ?


I didnt need exactly that kind of scenario.

But what I need is I have a function like this

bool f(std::vector vec)

  int arr[vec.size()];

In the above I have a function that will create a array based on the
size of vector argument passed
to it. So I wanted to know is it ok to do like that. Also is it
allowed in VC++(windows) also?

As stated, it is not currently a part of the C++ standard. But my question
is why? Why do you want to create a variable lenght array as shown when you
can use a vector? What is wrong with:

std::vector<int> arr( vec.size() );

How does that not serve your purpose?

You can use that anywhere you can use an array of int although you need to
go an extra step when getting a pointer to the first element. With the
array you would use
with the vector it would be

&arr[0] should be an int* which should be usable where you would need either
an int * or int []

Jim Langston

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