Re: how can i short name a compile time state ?

James Kanze <>
Mon, 25 Feb 2008 00:56:07 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 25, 8:36 am, toton <> wrote:

  I want to remember a compile time variable state, just to have some
typing convenience. I am not sure if I can do it using some typedef.
To give a short example,
I have an enum as,

enum dir_type{

and 2 specializations as,

dir_type o_dir();

dir_type o_dir<dir_x>(){
        return dir_y;}

dir_type o_dir<dir_y>(){
        return dir_x;

now in a function I want to do,

template<dir_type dt>
void funct(){
        dir_type od = o_dir<dt>(); /// what would be compile time equiv =


this line so than i can call next line?
        dir_type d = o_dir<od>();}

Now for the commented line, I want a compile time typedef , so
that od is a name rather than a runtime state, and I can call
the next line. This is just to remove repetitive writing of
o_dir<dt> , in several places when i can simply write od.

As you've written it, you can't. od is a value, initialized by
the return value of a function, and as such, is not a compile
time constant (at least not yet---there's some discussion of
allowing such trivial functions to be used in constant

I'm not too sure what you're trying to achieve. Perhaps
something like:

    template< dir_type >
    struct o_dir ;
    struct o_dir< dir_x >
        static dir_type const other = dir_y ;
    } ;
    // etc.

could be used, e.g.:

    template< dir_type dt >
        dir_type const od = o_dir::other ;
        dir_type d = o_dir< od >::other ;
        // ...

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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