Re: type checking

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:50:43 -0400
Christof Warlich wrote:

is there a way in C++ to check whether a class is derived from
a specific class?

Yes, sort of. Google for "is_derived C++ template". IIRC, Boost
has a way to do that.

The main question to ask yourself is, "Why do I need to do that?",
and then, "Is there a better way to do what I need without that?"

Initially, I tried to solve this problem through
template specialization, e.g.:

#include <iostream>
class Base {
template<typename T> class A {
     void f() {std::cout << "T is not a Base\n";}
template<> class A<Base> {
    void f() {std::cout << "T is a Base\n";}
class Derived: public Base {
class Any {
int main() {
    A<Any> a1;
    A<Derived> a2;
    A<Base> a3;

T is not a Base
T is not a Base
T is a Base

As to be expected, Derived will be identified as not being a Base. Is
there any way to specialize a template for a complete class hierarchy
instead of just specific types? Any other ideas to execute different
code depending on whether the type being passed to a template is
derived from a certain base or not?

What are you trying to accomplish? Or is it just an academic exercise?

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