Re: I got a strange error message when using fstream!
On 31 Mrz., 11:31, Wader <> wrote:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class MyObj {
int data;
ifstream in;
typedef std::vector<MyObj> MyObjVector;
int main(int arc, char* argv[]) {
MyObjVector myVector;
MyObj obj; = 10;"test.txt");
In the code above, I want to use a vector of class MyObj, which have a
ifstream object, but I got a message says that I can't access the
private memeber of ios_base, both in MinGW and Visual C++, but if a
commented the line
all thing is OK, can't any one help me!
std::vector requires that any feasible element type (value type) must
be CopyConstructible (and Assignable). This is a general Container
requirement of the current C++ standard, see
The member in of type std::ifstream does not fulfill this
which follows by implication, because it's base class basic_ios is
One possible workaround for you might be to use a
boost::shared_ptr<ifstream> instead and to use the free store ("new")
allocate the stream.
HTH & Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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