Re: Built-in to wide string conversion

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:11:12 +0200
* Saeed Amrollahi:

Dear All

I usually use the following function for built-in types to std::string
// convert a type (typically built-in type) to std::string
template<class T>
inline std::string ToStdStr(const T& t)
    std::istringstream s;

An istringstream is the wrong kind of stream.

Use an ostringstream.

Or better, use boost::lexical_cast instead of building your own.

     s << t;
    return s.str();

What is the equivalent function for std::wstring conversion?
Unfortunately the following code doesn't work:
// convert a type (typically built-in type) to std::wstring
template<class T>
inline std::wstring ToWideStdStr(const T& t)
    std::wistringstream s;
    s << t;
    return s.str();

In other words, I am looking for the << operator for wstring.

#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::ostream
#include <ostream> // operator<<, std::endl
#include <sstream> // std::ostringstream

template<class T>
inline std::wstring wideString(const T& t)
     std::wostringstream s;
     s << t;
     return s.str();

int main()
     using namespace std;

     wcout << wideString( 123 ) << endl;

Note that MingW g++ (Windows version of g++) lacks support for wide streams.

Does it relate to locale?

Yes. But it's a mess, so I'm no longer familiar with it. Hopefully if you have
any concrete questions in that direction, others can answer them.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

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