Re: how to sort it using STL

"Daniel T." <>
Sun, 25 May 2008 23:51:22 -0400
CFAN <> wrote:

I have a program,first it will read text from a text line by line and
then caculate the rank of each line. given word "good" it will give
the rank 50,
and "very good" rank 80.
and the declaration is something like the following,

class XXX{

std::vector<string> word_lists;
the word_lists contains the text in each line,and also i have defined
such type to contain the result of parsing
std::vector< <std::pair<int,int> > word_list_rank_table;
the first element in the pair indicates the subscript of the string in
the word_list,the second element indicates
the rank caculated,
and I need to sort the word_list_rank_table by the rank

the first question is does the std::vector< <std::pair<int,int> >
word_list_rank_table; suitable for this purpose
and the second question is how to sort it using STL algorithmn?

Better would be something like:

struct Line {
   string str;
   int index;
   int score;

bool operator<( const Line& left, const Line& right ) {
   return left.score < right.score;


class XXX {
   multiset< Line > word_lists;

Now as you insert the lines into the word_lists object, they will
automatically sort.

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