Re: ptr_fun & tolower confusion

Greg Herlihy <>
Fri, 4 Jul 2008 13:52:10 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 4, 2:34 am, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

Soumen wrote:

I wanted convert a mixed case string to a lower case one. And I tried
following code:

std::transform(mixedCaseString.begin(), mixedCaseString::end(),
mixedCaseString.begin(), std::ptr_fun(tolower));

Slightly modified from the archive:

#include <tr1/memory>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <locale>

template < typename CharT >
class to_lower {

  typedef std::ctype< CharT > char_type;

  std::tr1::shared_ptr< std::locale > the_loc_ptr;
  char_type const * the_type_ptr;


  to_lower ( std::locale const & r_loc = std::locale() )
    : the_loc_ptr ( new std::locale ( r_loc ) )
    , the_type_ptr ( &std::use_facet< char_type >( *the_loc_ptr ) )

  CharT operator() ( CharT chr ) const {
    return ( the_type_ptr->tolower( chr ) );


TR1's shared_ptr<> class is not nearly as useful in this case as its
bind() routine. In fact, calling TR1's bind() would eliminate the
custom to_lower functor and its attendant complexity.

After all, lowercasing a C++ string seems like it should be a fairly
straightforward task - one that should require only a few lines of

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <locale>

    #include <tr1/functional>

    using std::locale;
    using std::tolower;
    using std::tr1::bind;
    using std::tr1::placeholders::_1;

    int main()
        std::string s("GrEg");

        transform( s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
                   bind( tolower<char>, _1, locale()));

        std::cout << s << "\n";

    Program Output:


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