Re: How to load a text file into a char **?

James Kanze <>
Sat, 19 Jul 2008 00:55:52 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 19, 3:57 am, "Daniel T." <> wrote: wrote:

Is there a safe (unlikely to cause overflows or segfaults)
way to load a text file into a char ** array?

A char** array? Are you sure you got that right?

Maybe he needs to interface with some legacy C code.
(Otherwise, of course, std::vector< std::string > is the obvious

I thought of using getline, but it needs a fixed-length
string, and I don't know how many lines or characters per
line the file has.

// puts the entire contents in a char array
vector<char> read( const char* fileName )
   vector<char> result;
   ifstream file( fileName, ios::binary );
   char ch;
   while ( file.get( ch ) )
      result.push_back( ch );
   return result;


// puts the entire contents in a char* array,
// breaks file by newlines.
vector< vector<char> > read( const char* fileName )
   vector< vector<char> > result;
   ifstream file( fileName );
   string str;
   while ( getline( file, str ) ) {
      result.push_back( vector<char>( str.begin(), str.end() ) );
      result.back().push_back( 0 ); // null terminate each line?
   return result;

I guess for a char** array, you could put each word in a separate

I think he wants one string per line. But I'd still use a
vector of string for the reading, only converting into char**
once the file had been read, e.g.:

    std::vector< std::string > tmp ;
    std::string line ;
    while ( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
        tmp.push_back( line ) ;
    std::vector< char const* > result ;
    for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator
                                iter = tmp.begin() ;
            iter != tmp.end() ;
            ++ iter ) {
        result.push_back( iter->c_str() ) ;
    result.push_back( NULL ) ; // if needed.
    // use &result[0].

(In fact, I just did exactly this yesterday, to interface with

Note that in this case, you cannot simply return &result[0], and
expect it to work. For obvious reasons, you must use &result[0]
before either tmp or result go out of scope. In a larger
application, the solution, I think would be to create a class
which contained these two members, contructed the above in its
constructor, and had a function to return the char**. (It the
needed type really is char**, as was the case with openldap,
you'll have to const_cast.)

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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