Re: Hellp in handling 2^15 variables ha scritto:
On Jul 20, 8:28 am, Sai Krishna <> wrote:
My project involves lots of variables. I need to handle 2^15 double or
float variables for the time being. g++ failed to handle as static
Failed to handle static memory? What's the line of code you used to
create this array?
This one, for example, does not fail to compile:
static float* floatArray = new float[32768];
I'm not surprised a vector was of no use; vectors are used for solving
a completely different set of problems.
Well I am surprised to hear that a vector is expected to have a
behaviour different from the line you wrote above, because the only
significant difference between that and
std::vector<float> floatVector(32768);
is that the content of vector is zero-initialized.
Anyway, you are correct that std::vector is intended to solve a
different set of problems. The correct container in the case of the OP
is probably std::valarray.
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