Re: error C2371: 'LineCollection' : redefinition; different basic types

James Kanze <>
Tue, 5 Aug 2008 00:53:10 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 4, 8:18 pm, "" <>

Ok I will try to write minimal code.
I have a project called "FileUtil"
It has two header files and 2 cpp files called
1. FileCompare.h and FileCompare.cpp
2. Compare.h and Compare.cpp

//Some Includes "Doesnot inclide compare.h"
typedef std::vector<line> LineCollection;
typedef LineCollection::iterator LineCollectionIter;

class FileCompare
        LineCollection compFileMap;
        LineCollection baseFileMap;

//Some Includes "Doesnot inclide FileCompare.h"
typedef std::vector<line> LineCollection;
typedef LineCollection::iterator LineCollectionIter;

class Compare
        LineCollection m_baseLines;
        LineCollection m_compLines;

Now I am getting error C2371: 'LineCollection' : redefinition;
different basic types.
I know that they are defined twice. I don't know why since two header
files are independant on each other.

 1. As others have pointed out: you haven't posted enough for us
    to reproduce the problem, so anything we say is just a

 2. What is "line"? You're allowed multiple typedef's, even in
    the same translation unit, as long as they resolve to the
    same thing. Your error message strongly suggests that you
    have different definitions of "line", which will lead to no
    end of problems.

 3. FileCompare.h may not include Compare.h, and vice versa, but
    logically, you have to expect some client code to include
    both of them. In which case, if "line" is defined
    differently in the two headers, you'll get a problem at
    compile time. (Otherwise, the problems won't appear until
    link time, or possibly even runtime.)

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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