Re: error C2664
On Aug 1, 7:28 pm, Trups <> wrote:
I have to a project which I am converting it to Unicode. I am
getting following error. I am not sure How to fix it.
error C2664: 'LogFile::LogToFile' : cannot convert parameter 1 from
'const unsigned short [65]' to 'std::string'
The code is
#define MAIN_LOG_FILE ".\\ABC.log"
Defination LogToFile(std::string message, std::string fileName);
I am calling this LogToFile("My Name", MAIN_LOG_FILE)
I have tried using "L" and "_T" It is not working.
Can you please help?
You can use something like this:
#include <tchar.h> // MS-specific
typedef std::basic_string< TCHAR > tstring;
LogToFile(tstring const& message, tstring const& fileName);
Then, add _T() around string literals where appropriate, e.g:
#define MAIN_LOG_FILE _T(".\\ABC.log")
LogToFile(_T("My Name"), MAIN_LOG_FILE)
This way you can compile both Unicode and non-Unicode versions of your
program from a single set of source files. Just define _UNICODE when
compiling w/ Unicode support.
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