Re: Trying to apply SFINAE
On Sep 30, 11:58 am, Hendrik Schober <> wrote:
James Kanze wrote:
On Sep 29, 6:20 pm, Hendrik Schober <> wrote:
I'm having two overloaded function templates,
#include <iterator>
template< typename T >
void test( T /*a1*/, T /*a2*/ ) {}
template< typename Iter >
void test( Iter /*b*/, Iter /*e*/ ) {}
which I need to call. (In reality, these are constructors,
in case that matters.)
It could be critical, if you need the initialization list.
The problem is more with your below idea: I cannot
(easily) forward calls.
That's why I raised the issue of initialization lists. That's
the main reason I can think of why you might not be able to
forward calls. (It is, in fact, the only reason I can think of
why you might not be able to forward calls.)
But of course, since it's undefined behavior to instantiate
iterator_trais with anything that is neither an iterator nor a
pointer, you couldn't count on this even if the type deduction
trick worked.
Is it?
I think so. In =A717.4.3.6/2, it says:
In particular, the effects are undefined in the
following cases:
-- for types used as template arguments when
instantiating a template component, if the
operations on the type do not implement the
semantics of the applicable Requirements
I'm not sure, of course, because the description of Iterator
traits (=A724.3.1) doesn't actually contain a Requirements
subclause. It does require a specific implementation, however
(with a partial specialization for pointers), and that
implementation uses typename Iterator::difference_type, etc. So
the presence of those types in the instantiation type would seem
to be a requirement. (In this regared, the definition of
iterator_category is probably the most significant; I can't
imagine anything but an iterator defining it.)
In practice, what I would expect is that the code would fail to
compile *IF* you use such an instantiation in a context which
requires a complete definition. Or, if that failure occured
during template type deduction, SFINAE. But I couldn't get it
to work.
I thought std lib implementors must have faced this,
but now I see that this
#include <vector>
int main()
const unsigned int ua[] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
std::vector<int> v1(0u,1u);
std::vector<int> v2(ua, ua+4);
return 0;
fails spectacularly with Dinkumware (both call the ctor
taking iterators), so I must be wrong.
The second is required to call the constructor taking iterators.
The first shouldn't, however; the standard says that if the
iterator type (determined by type deduction) is an integral
type, the constructor shall has the same effect as:
X( static_cast< typename X::size_type >( f ),
static_cast< typename X::value_type >( l ) ) ;
(This leads to some interesting, and possibly unintentional
effects, due to the fact that static_cast is an explicit
conversion. Thus:
std::vector< std::vector< int > > v( 10, 30 ) ;
works, although there is no implicit conversion of 30 to
std::vector< int >.)
The version of VC++ (which uses Dinkumware) which I have access
to gets this right. Some older implementations of the library
(Dinkumware or others), designed for compilers which didn't
support member templates, may have problems, however.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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