Re: Variadic templates

Yechezkel Mett <>
Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:27:37 CST
On Nov 18, 3:42 am, Boris Rasin <> wrote:

On Nov 17, 10:45 pm, Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>

All you need is an helper function like this:

   template <class T, class... Args>
   /* whatever */ invoke(T f, tuple<Args...>&& args);

which calls f with the supplied arguments. It should not be too
difficult to make it a perfect forwarder.


Seeing that it should not be too difficult, would you mind actually
showing how to call a function with any number of parameters given
tuple<> object as parameter container (as in your sample)? No need to
make it a perfect forwarding, just anything that would actually work.
Thank you very much.

Semi-tested code that I happened to have lying around:

template<class... T> struct emplacer_t;

template<class H, class... T> struct emplacer_t<H, T...>
  emplacer_t(H&& head, T&&... tail)
    : head(head), tail(tail...)

  H&& head;
  emplacer_t<T...> tail;

template<> struct emplacer_t<> {};

template<class... T> emplacer_t<T...> emplace(T&&... t)
  return emplacer_t<T...>(std::forward<T>(t)...);

template<class... Unpacked, Callable<auto, Unpacked&&...> F>
inline apply_args(emplacer_t<> e, F f, Unpacked&&... u)
  return f(std::forward<Unpacked>(u)...);

template<class RestHead, class... RestTail, class... Unpacked,
  Callable<auto, Unpacked&&..., RestHead&&, RestTail&&...> F>
inline apply_args(emplacer_t<RestHead, RestTail...> e, F f,
Unpacked&&... u)
  return apply_args(emplacer_t<RestTail...>(e.tail), f,
    std::forward<Unpacked>(u)..., std::forward<RestHead>(e.head));

To compile it under concept-gcc I had to remove std::Callable (which
means removing result_type) and std::forward.

Here the argument list is in a structure called emplace_t -- to unpack
std::tuple is slightly more difficult because there's no easy way to
get the tail, but it can be done.

Yechezkel Mett

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