Re: Referencing the container object

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Wed, 04 Feb 2009 02:29:48 +0100
* Alessandro [AkiRoss] Re:

On Feb 4, 1:38 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

* Alessandro [AkiRoss] Re:
Confusion of compile time and run time.

Yes, of course. I wrote it as a suggestion (in the case it could be
useful :D)

Either design is bad, or you should be able to just iterate. E.g.

   class Container;

   class User
       User( Container& ) {}

   class Container
       std::vector<User> myUsers;
       Container() : myUsers( 42, *this ) {} // 42 User instances.

How can I do this?

See above.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

No, it shouldn't iterate.
Actually, the User objects are functors and need to be accessed with
the name specified by the user... E.g.

struct Functor { void operator()() { /* blah */ } }

struct UserContainer : public MyContainer {
  Functor method;
} cont;


Too bad, I'm not an expert about design, but I'm trying to implement
this code to be usable by future programmers.

It's unclear what you're trying to do.

As is very common, it seems that you're focusing on an imagined (and unworkable)
technical solution to some problem that you haven't divulged.

I can make guesses based on experience.

One would be that whatever you're trying to achieve would be better done with
simple virtual routines,

   struct UserContainer
       virtual void method() ...

Another would be that whatever you're trying to achieve would be better done
with an explicit call syntax,

   struct UserContainer
       virtual void call( Functor& ... ) ...

But since my telepathic abilities have deteriorated somewhat in recent years,
it's difficult to say.

It would be simpler if you'd described what you're trying to achieve (and not
some invented generalization thereof).

And well, functors used like these is pretty straightforward.

In addition, the functor must be registered in the container object...
If I don't find an automagic way of doing this, the user must do it,
and it's more error prone.

Thanks anyway :) I'll try to consider other approaches.

Good idea.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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