Re: problem passing const_iterator to a function expecting iterator

Victor Bazarov <>
Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:43:56 -0500
Zeppe wrote: wrote [23/02/09 16:13]:


Im using the class MField<Type> from the H3D API -

which contains -

typedef vector< Type >::iterator iterator; // and

void insert(iterator pos, const Type &x, int id=0);

I wish to insert a value at the start of an object of this type, as
follows -


but the problem is that begin() gives me a const_iterator which I cant
pass to an iterator. What should I do?

if begin returns an iterator rather than a const_iterator,

I am sure Zeppe meant the reverse:

    if begin return a const_iterator rather than an iterator,

 > it's likely

that your segmentField is const, so that you cannot modify it (you
cannot use the "insert" method).

Most likely, either you can have a non-const object to apply that method
to, or you may have a design problem in your code...

Best wishes,


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