Re: templated type and numeric_limits?

James Kanze <>
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 03:33:53 -0700 (PDT)
On Mar 11, 10:15 pm, David Johansen <> wrote:

On Mar 11, 12:22 pm, SG <> wrote:

On 11 Mrz., 19:46, Dave Johansen <> wrote:

Is it possible to specialized numeric_limits with a templated type?


  template<unsigned int DIGITS>
  class BigInt;

  template<unsigned int DIGITS>
  class std::numeric_limits<BigInt<DIGITS> >
    // ...

Thanks for the tip because it worked, but I guess I'm missing
something and I don't get how/why this works. Is the syntax
for a explicit specialization of a class when using a
templated typed different? Or is something else going on that
I'm not realizing?

Because if I do something like this:

class test

class std::numeric_limits<test>

Then it doesn't compile without the "template<>", so what am I
not getting?

In order to explicitly specialize a template with a single type
parameter (like std::numeric_limits), you need a type. A class
is a type; a class template is *not*. What SG provided is not
an explicit specialization, but a partial specialization,
something different, which obeys different rules. You could
also use an explicit specialization (using template<>), but only
for a specific type, e.g.:

    class std::numeric_limits< BigInt< 200 > >
        // ...
    } ;

SG's suggestion, using partial specialization, is probably what
you want, however.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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