Re: C++0x: Tuple unpacking as arguments in function call

ymett <>
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:39:26 CST
On Mar 12, 11:46 am, metarox <> wrote:


I'd like to know what is the way to unpack a tuple into function call

Try the following:

template<bool enable, class T> struct enable_if {};
template<class T> struct enable_if<true, T> { typedef T type; };

template<size_t argIndex, size_t argSize, class... Args, class...
Unpacked, class F>
inline typename enable_if<(argIndex == argSize),
void>::type apply_args_impl(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f,
Unpacked&&... u)
     f(u...); // I think this should be f(std::forward<Unpacked>
template<size_t argIndex, size_t argSize, class... Args, class...
Unpacked, class F>
inline typename enable_if<(argIndex < argSize),
void>::type apply_args_impl(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f,
Unpacked&&... u)
     apply_args_impl<argIndex + 1, argSize>(t, f, u...,

template<class... Args, class F>
inline void apply_args(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f)
     apply_args_impl<0, sizeof...(Args)>(t, f);

There are other possibilities, such as creating a list of indices.

Yechezkel Mett

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