Re: passing virtual member function to templates

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 23:49:11 -0400
<gppqvp$q5b$> wrote:

On Mar 18, 2:17 am, Victor Bazarov <> wrote:

thanks got it sussed

"Sussed"? Sorry, English is not my first language.

template<class T, class FUN>
void foo(T& t, FUN f){

Why is 't' a reference? You could just drop the '&' altogether, no?
The code in the function requires 't' to be a dereferenceable entity
(like a pointer or an iterator).


I may have been too quick to dismiss the -> syntax you had before. It's
probably fine if you write


because then 't' is required to be a pointer.

struct base{
  virtual ~base(){}
  virtual void say()=0;
struct dir : public base{
  void say(){
    std::cout << "hi" << std::endl;
void bar(){
  base* ptr = new dir;

g++ doesn't like FUN& because it doesn't like base::*&

Well, that does look like a rather funky syntax...

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