Re: operator< for algorithms

Victor Bazarov <>
Thu, 02 Apr 2009 11:14:45 -0400
Hicham Mouline wrote:

"Victor Bazarov" <> wrote in message

Hicham Mouline wrote:

"Victor Bazarov" <> wrote in message

Hicham Mouline wrote:

namespace NS1 { namespace NS2 {

template <typename T1, typename T2>
class C {
  typedef T1::xType xType;
  typedef T1::yType yType;
  typedef std::pair< xType, yType> EntryType;
  boost::array< EntryType , size > ContainerType;

I need to use std::lower_bound and sorting algorithms on my

Where (which namespace) and how can I define the operator< comparing 2
for the std:: algorithms to use that operator?

Anywhere appropriate. Any namespace/class where your compiler is
capable of finding it.

Note I use these std::algorithms only in member functions of the C
So I wish to define the operator< in a way that is specific and visible
only to C template.

Have you tried defining it as a static member of the C template?

Post the rest of your code, with only the operator< missing, and we can
probably figure it out. I am just too lazy to provide all the necessary
driver code for what you've described, I consider it your job if you
want my help. Sorry, such a PITA I am.


Not at all. Thank you for your contrib!

I put the code here

It fails to compile under g++4
"operator< needs to be must be either a non-static member function or a
non-member function"

if it is member non-static, it is interpreted as applying to C<T1,T2> not
to EntryType

As EntryType is private, I don't know how to define outside of C<T1,T2>

I managed to make your code from the '' to compile when I
removed the operator< definition from the 'C' template (it wasn't the
brightest suggestion, I guess) and put it right after the 'C' as this:

  template<class T, class U>
  bool operator<(const typename C<T,U>::EntryType& lhs,
                 const typename C<T,U>::EntryType& rhs)
    return true;

It is strange that this compiles.
EntryType is private, why does operator< outside manage to access it?

It is quite possible that since all instantiations of that operator are
made from inside a member function of 'C', where access to 'EntryType'
is granted, the compiler considers it an implicit permission...

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