Re: int main(int argc, char * argv[]) - basic question

Victor Bazarov <>
Fri, 05 Jun 2009 09:23:30 -0400
mlt wrote:

I have an application with the follwowing main function:

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
 String p1, p2, c;

'String' undefined.

 switch ( argc ){
 case 1:{
   std::cerr << "case1" << std::endl;
   return 1;
 case 2:{
   p1 = argv[1];
   std::cerr << "case2" << std::endl;
   return 1;
 case 3:{
   p1 = argv[1];
   p2 = argv[2];
   std::cerr << "case3" << std::endl;
 case 4:
   p1 = argv[1];
   p2 = argv[2];
   c = argv[3];

I run it from cmd like:

app.exe 2 "c:\test\test.txt"

But it matches case 3. I also matches case 3 if I do:

app.exe 7 "c:\test\test.txt"

I thought that the first argument to app.exe would be stored in 'argc'
which is then switched upon. But that seems not to be the case, any ideas?

<g> OK... OK... You *thought* that the first argument to app.exe would
be stored in 'argc'? Why did you think that? Where did you get the
idea? And what does your favourite C++ book say about the arguments to
the 'main' function? No, really. RTFM, will you?

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