Re: Print Date

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:13:19 -0400
pandit wrote:

Hello :-)
I am here Scuh a long time.


 > i just want to print Date (Day of the

month) on the Screen i googling and Seach Archive i found it
but i dont know how this is to be used boz i need the system date(day)
or some Purpose

here is code i get from a web-site.
i am confuse about it

You forget to include <iostream> and <ostream>

inr main()

Don't re-type your code. Use "copy-and-paste" capabilities of your

      time_t tt;
      struct tm *tod; // why we use it?

This is called a "declaration". The 'struct' keyword is superfluous in
this case.

      tod =localtime(&tt); //and also use?

You're obtaining a pointer to the struct from the function. Now the
pointer points to some memory area in the system memory where the value
of 'tt' is broken into components.

      std :: cout <<tod->tm_mon+1;
      std:: cout<<std::endl;

whu we need struct here

Not sure what exactly your question is.

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