Re: Virtual Function Question

Pete Becker <>
Fri, 03 Jul 2009 10:27:43 -0400
vkp wrote:

On Jul 2, 4:23 pm, Pete Becker <> wrote:

vkp wrote:

Hi All,
Need little education on use of Virtual functions....the questions
arose from the existing code I am going through.
Class type -> Derived, Member funtion -> Not virtual, Calls Derived
first then base.
Class type -> Derived, Member funtion -> Virtual, Calls Derived first
then base.
Class type -> Base, Member funtion -> Not Virtual, Calls Base.
Class type -> Base, Member funtion -> Virtual, Calls Derived first
then base.
What happens if both Base class and derived class declare a function
virtual. Who gets the first call? Is it valid to delclare a function
Virtual in both classes? If valid, is it a good design? Is there a
situation that requires such declarations?

Show some code.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
"The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference"
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Here is sample code for the question:

Case 1: Base class declares function "test" as virtual so method
doTest calls derived class when input object is of derived type. (This
is clear to me).
// Base class
class base
    virtual void test(){
        std::cout<<"Base::test called\n";


// Derived class
class derived :
    public base
    void test(){
    std::cout<<"Derived::test called\n";


// Function that calls class methods.

// function expects base class and calls method a.
void doTest (base& a_base)
    std::cout << "Calling functions in the base class\n";

// Main function.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

This is a Microsoftism. Unless you're posting to a Microsoft forum, use

int main()


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    dreived a_derived; // derived object
    base b_base; // base object
    doTest(a_derived); // calls method that expects Base object
    return 0;
// End of code.

Case 2: What if class derived also declares function "test" as

Doesn't matter. When a function in a base class is declared virtual, a
function in a derived class with the same signature overrides it. That's
what you're seeing.

The overriding function is also virtual, so if you had yet another level
of derivation above that, a function with the same signature would
override both derived::test and base::test.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
"The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference"

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