Re: plain iterators and reverse iterators on vector

Victor Bazarov <>
Thu, 06 Aug 2009 09:01:24 -0400
<h5ek6n$omp$>, India wrote:

Consider the following program x.cpp:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
        vector<int> c;

        for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)

        cout << c.end() - c.begin() << endl;
        cout << c.rend() - c.rbegin() << endl;

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I compiled with g++3.4.3 as
g++ -std=c++98 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra x.cpp

When I ran it, it produced the output

The first 10 in the output is fine. It corresponds to c.end() - c.begin
Shouldn't the second 10 in the output be -10 because I am using
reverse iterators in calculating c.rend() - c.rbegin() ie isn't this
expression equivalent to c.begin() - c.end() in which case -10 would
be printed? Is my understanding wrong ?

It would seem that you misunderstand the iterator operations.

To move from a "start" iterator (whether it's returned by 'begin()' or
'rbegin()') to the "finish" iterator (whether it's return by 'end()' or
'rend()') you need to *increment* the iterator (use the ++ operator).
That means that the "finish" iterator is "greater" than the "start".
That, it turn means (for 'std::vector' only, since its iterators are
random-access) that when you subtract "start" from "finish", you should
get a positive value.

Is the difference operator-() between the RandomAccessIterators
defined in <iterator> ?


 > If so, how does the program compile even when

I do not #include <iterator> ?

It must be included for you by <vector> or maybe <iostream>. Who knows?
  If you need to be explicit, include it yourself, there's no harm in that.

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