Re: vector swap time complexity
thomas wrote:
for simple "int" structure, the time complexity of "swap(&int,&int)"
is simply O(1);
Actually, for any type T vector<T>.swap(othervector) has complexity of
O(1) - the data storages and other fields are exchanged between the
objects, no data outside of the actual 'vector<T>' object moves.
Well, I am no sure if we are at the same page about the meaning of O
I suspect it can be O(n), where "n" refers to the size of the type T
(such as a vector).
Of course, it's always O(1) regarding to the whole object T.
The time complexity of vector swap is constant, regardless of how many
elements the vector holds.
I am fairly certain that 'std::swap' is overloaded for vectors (and all
other standard containers) to call the member function 'swap' (which
will do the swap quickly). So, std::swap<std::vector<T> > is also of
O(1) complexity.
No particular implementation of references is mandated. What makes you
believe that it's <<similar to "pointer">>? There is no way in the
language to "reseat" a reference. What would the implementation of
'std::swap' look like without that ability? Or do you think there is
some magic (assembly) trick the library implementors perform?
Yeah, I suspect the implementors may perform some tricks to achieve
better time performance.
Actually I may find it difficult to balance if I was the designer.
I don't know what exactly the designers think either.
Then how can you know it's exactly O(1) if you don't know what's
Some code supporting the O(n) perspective:
vector<int> p(1,0);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
vector<int> q(2,0);
The only implementation trick to achieve O(1) is by swap "pointer"
like address.
But it surely cannot work here, because "q" in the stack vanishes out
of the "{}" scope.
So the address of "q" becomes invalid.
But the address of the stored data remains valid, because it's allocated
on the free store. So the data pointer in q is swapped with the data
pointer in p, and the other fields in the two vectors are also swapped.
Constant time, regardless of how many elements the vector holds.
Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
"The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference"