Re: about new and delete

SG <>
Tue, 29 Sep 2009 00:34:43 -0700 (PDT)
Sam wrote:

Juha Nieminen writes:

And what is the complexity of removing an element from the middle of t=


list, versus the middle of a vector?

O(n) for both.


std::list<obj> theList;

// =85

std::list<obj>::iterator p;

// =85

theList.erase(p); // Warning, O(n)!!!!!

Very funny.

                  If you want to prove me wrong, writ=

e a function which

takes a std::list as parameter and removes the element at the exact
middle faster than O(n).

What you fail to grok, is that when you have a member of containe that yo=


want removed, you already have its iterator, you don't need to search for

Who said something about "having a member"?

Thank you for playing.


You simply phrased your question badly, Sam. It's not obvious if an
iterator to the middle element is already known. I do think you're
smart enough to grok what was going on. Juha even explained how he
interpreted the question by saying "write a function which takes a
std::list as parameter and removes the element at the exact middle
faster than O(n)". But instead of saying something like

  "Yes, O(n) if you don't know the iterator. But I was assuming
   that it is known. In that case std::list makes a difference."

you try to make it look like you're the only sane person here.
-1 for weak communication skills.


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