Re: static data in inline static member

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:13:31 CST
On 19 Apr., 20:57, Helmut Jarausch <>


in the example below I have a static member function
which has static data.

--- file inline_static.h ---
#include <iostream>

class X {
int Count;
   X(int I) : Count(X_init(I)) {}
   void print() { std::cout << "Count= " << Count << std::endl; }

static int X_init(int I) {
   static int X_init_data;
   if ( ! X_init_data ) X_init_data= I;
   return X_init_data;


--- file inline_static.C ---
#include <iostream>
using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::cerr; using std::endl;

#include "Inline_static.h"
extern void Call_X(int);

int main() {
   X X1(3);
   return 0;


--- file Call_X.C ---
#include "Inline_static.h"

void Call_X(int I) {
   X X2(I);
   std::cout << "Here in Call_X\n";
   std::cout << "leaving Call_X\n";


When running this (gcc-4.4.3), it outputs
Here in Call_X
Count= 3
leaving Call_X
Count= 3

which indicates there is only a single storage for the
static X_init_data;

Is this behaviour to be expected / guaranteed?

The behavior is guaranteed, see my reply to the recent
thread "Static local objects in inline functions".

A summary of the reply referring to the C++ 2003 is
that 9.3 [class.mfct]/6 says:

"A static local variable in a member function always refers
to the same object, whether or not the member function is

This is strengthened by an even more general statement
from 7.1.2/4:

"[..] A static local variable in an extern inline function
always refers to the same object. [..]"

in addition to the guarantee, that a static local object
is initialized exactly once as of 6.7/4:

"[..] Otherwise such an object is initialized the first
time control passes through its declaration; such an
object is considered initialized upon the completion of
its initialization. [..]"

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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