Re: A minimalistic smart array class template

"Daniel T." <>
Fri, 14 May 2010 08:38:35 -0400
Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid> wrote:

legends2k <> wrote:

I've writing a container class as a replacement for raw arrays; just
called it smart_array (bare with me if it's dumb), which has the
niceties of a vector, can be used for dynamic memory requirements and
cleans up itself safely. When I showed it to my friends for a review
and to point out flaws & possible bugs in some peculiar use case; they
said I could post it here to get it reviewed/constructively criticized
by many C++ stalwarts. So am presenting it here:

  Am I understanding correctly that basically the only thing this class
is doing, is providing a shortcut so that instead of having to write eg:

    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > vec3d;

you can write:

    smart_array<int, 3> vec3d;


  (Well, besides providing only operator[] and nothing else that std::vector

  It raises the question whether being able to declare multi-dimensional
vectors with a slightly shorter syntax is worth throwing away all the
member functions that std::vector offers...

The question is whether it is appropriate to use a vector of vector of
.... of objects to implement an N-D array in the first place. Just
because Java does it (if, Java actually does do that under the hood,)
doesn't make it a good thing to do.

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