On May 19, 12:54 pm, "Leigh Johnston"<le...@i42.co.uk> wrote:
"Peter Olcott"<NoS...@OCR4Screen.com> wrote in message
On 5/19/2010 11:11 AM, Leigh Johnston wrote:
"Peter Olcott"<NoS...@OCR4Screen.com> wrote in message
// This is the input data to be transformed
std::vector<uint8> Data; // LastByte hold sentinel value 11
What if a character with the same ASCII value as your sentinel is
present in the input data?
Make 0x0 or 0xFF the sentinel value, and remove it from the Error states.
I ask again, what if a character with same value as the sentinel value
(whatever fucking value you give it) is already present in the input data?
If you do not add the sentinel to the end of the input data then what does
it matter what fucking value it has?
a) fuck off and stop trolling.
b) post to a more relevant newsgroup.
c) see a psychiatrist.
The pysch probably threw his ass out of the office for asking the same
fucking question and insisting that he has a patent on the "Sign in"
book because A) it looks like a table and B) it auto converts user
handwriting to UTF8 characters which is used as 'first level" security
block against roving eyeballs.