Re: remove_if with a mask

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Tue, 08 Jun 2010 11:36:16 -0400
On 6/8/2010 11:18 AM, Paul Bibbings wrote:

I threw together something similar to what you have and it *doesn't*
appear to be working.

    16:15:35 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
    /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $cat vector_mask.cpp
    // file: vector_mask.cpp


    template<typename T>
    class MaskFunctor {
       explicit MaskFunctor(std::vector<bool>& mask)
          : mask_(mask)
          , mask_iter_(mask_.begin())
       { }
       bool operator()(const T&)
          if (mask_iter_ == mask_.end())
            return false;
            return *mask_iter_++;
       std::vector<bool>& mask_;
       std::vector<bool>::const_iterator mask_iter_;

    int main()
       std::vector<bool> mask;
       for (int i = 0; i< 4; ++i)

       std::vector<int> i_vec;
       for (int i = 0; i< 8; ++i)

       std::vector<int>::iterator end =
          std::remove_if(i_vec.begin(), i_vec.end(), MaskFunctor<int>(mask));

       i_vec.erase(end, i_vec.end());

       for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator ci = i_vec.begin();
              ci != i_vec.end();
          std::cout<< *ci<< ' ';
       std::cout<< '\n';

    16:15:41 Paul Bibbings@JIJOU
    /cygdrive/d/CPPProjects/CLCPP $./vector_mask
    2 4 6

The implementation makes a copy of the predicate. It's important that
the predicate keeps the iterator by reference. Try rewriting it with
that in mind.

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