Re: A question about TC++PL
* Bart van Ingen Schenau, on 16.06.2010 10:31:
On Jun 15, 6:11 pm, Chen Zhuhui<> wrote:
Dear All,
I'm reading appendix C.13.8.3 in TC++PL special ed. and it says:
The definition of "instantiation point" implies that a template
parameter can never be bound to a local name or a class member. For
void f()
struct X { /* ... */ }; // local structure
vector<X> v; // error: cannot use local structure as
// template parameter
// ...
So if I haven't misunderstood something, the example is showing about "a
template parameter can never be bound to a local name". But how about "a
class member"? I cannot figure myself out an example of this
situation. I've tried:
struct classA
struct classB { };
typedef int classC;
void classAF()
vector<classB> v1; // 1
vector<classC> v2; // 2
Try this one:
struct class A
struct classB { };
typedef int class C;
vector<classB> v1; // 5
vector<classC> v2; // 6
I tried the following code with Comeau Online:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct classA
struct classB { };
typedef int classC;
vector<classB> v1; // 5
vector<classC> v2; // 6
int main()
{ classA(); }
It compiled with no errors or warnings.
From the given out-of-context quote it's very unclear what Bjarne is talking
Since Appendix C is the one that is not publicly available, and some of us (like
me) do not have the 3rd edition of that book, perhaps the OP could clarify --
and thereby perhaps answering his/her own question...
Cheers & hth.,
- Alf
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