Re: Work-around for missing "move-capture" syntax in C++0x

SG <>
Sun, 19 Dec 2010 04:53:14 -0800 (PST)
On 19 Dez., 13:19, Bo Persson wrote:

SG wrote:

   void foo() {
       unique_ptr<big> p (new big);
       // ... set up *p
       invoke_later([=]{ // <-- Oops! unique_ptr cannot be co=


           // work on *p

Isn't that a good thing? Why use a unique_ptr if you really want to
have copies?

Who says I'm interested in copying it? I just want to be able to move
things into a lambda function object. In other words, C++0x lacks a
std::move-equivalent of the capture-clause. This bugged me for quite a
while and I even informally proposed a syntax for that:

    template<class Fun>
    void invoke_later(Fun && f)
        // jobqueue could be a vector<function<void()>>

    void foo() {
        unique_ptr<big> p (new big);
        // ... set up *p
        invoke_later([-p]{ // "move-capture"
            // work on *p

But the chance that something like this is going to make it into C++0x
this late in the game is probably zero.

On the upside, we can work around this lacking "move-capture" via
std::bind. It may or may be obvious to most. This std::bind work-
around just dawned on me and I thought it would be worth sharing.


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