Re: indirect / index sorting with the STL
On 19/05/11 23:38, Joshua Lehrer wrote:
On May 18, 4:46 pm, cpp4ever <> wrote:
This is not a complete answer, but why not sort a separate list of
indices/pointers/iterators? The std::sort algorithm can easily be
provided with a specific comparison function/functor. For large objects
swapping indices/pointers/iterators is far quicker and more simple.
Because that would require O(N) external storage. If I had a list of
strings N elements long and a list of ints to sort by, also N elements
long, I'd need to create a list of pair<string*,int*> also N elements
long, thus requiring O(N) external storage. This should be doable
with O(1) external storage.
Let me explain further. Once you have sorted the
indices/pointers/iterators, you can determine the indices into the
original list.
std::vector<int> itmp(4,23);
std::vector<char *> ctmp(4,"hello");
std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = tmp.begin() + 3;
int index = i - tmp.begin();
std::cout << ctmp[i]; // Outputs the equivalent string
I accept that this requires an extra O(N) external storage, but it is
not as complicated as you suggest.
Creating a specialist container class and iterator class that is a
wrapper around the 2 lists. When used with std::sort it would swap
elements from both lists is another alternative, but IMHO this is an
overly complex solution, and for large memory objects would most
probably be slow.
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