Re: Overloading a template member function with a dependent name

mlimber <>
Fri, 20 May 2011 14:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
On May 20, 5:21 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet" <alf.p.steinbach> wrote:

* mlimber, on 20.05.2011 22:37:

I'm trying to overload a template member function with a dependent
name involved. The following does not work as I'd like:

  class C
    template<class Iter>
    void Foo( Iter )
      std::cout<< "Normal\n";

    template<class T, std::size_t N>
    void Foo( typename std::tr1::array<T,N>::iterator )
      std::cout<< "Special\n";

  int main()
    C c;
    std::tr1::array<int,10> a1;
    c.Foo( a1.begin() ); // Doesn't print "Special"!

How can I get that last line in main() to invoke the special C::Foo()?

Why there is a problem:

     template< class Type >
     struct Foo
         typedef int T;

     template< class Type >
     void foo( typename Type::T ) {}

     int main()
         foo( 666 ); // !Nope

This does not compile because the compiler cannot deduce the template par=


It cannot because it would be an unbounded reverse lookup: given the actu=


argument type `int`, find the type `Type` that has a member typedef of `T=

` with

type `int`. There can be zillions or none of such types.

There are techniques that sometimes can be used to still do something /li=

ke/ you

seem to be aiming for.

One crucial question for applicability of such techniques here is N: do y=

ou need

to know it? In that case I don't know any solution other than changing th=


design. I don't think it can be inferred from the iterator type, at all.

Thanks, Alf. I don't need N (it would be sugar to have it, but since
I'm actually passing in begin and end, I can calculate it). So do

Cheers! --M

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