Re: [C++11] Initializer lists vs. 0 or 1 items

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
On 2011-08-25 14:31, Daryle Walker wrote:

Hi. I just started reading a copy of a C++ draft I got several months
ago (n3282.pdf, I think). I have some quick questions.

Let me mention, that this is not identical to the final draft.

1. Let's say my class can take several arguments of the same type. I
also want to take zero arguments, as a default constructor, and one
argument as a conversion.

template< typename T>
class my_complex
     my_complex() = default;
     my_complex( T first );
     my_complex( std::initializer_list<T> list );

If I just use the initializer constructor, and get rid of the other
two, would I still need the braces when I use zero or one argument?
Or do I need all three constructors if I need brace-less construction
with zero or one arguments?

If you only have an initializer-list constructor, you need braces for
construction, unless this constructor is also a default constructor.
Your second form cannot be replaced by an initializer-list constructor,
if you want to constructs objects with parentheses as in

my_complex<int> ci(42);

To realize that your initializer-list constructor is also a default
constructor, just write

template <typename T>
class my_complex
      my_complex(T first);
      my_complex(std::initializer_list<T> list = {});

Let me remark that in your original description you are defining a
defaulted copy constructor, which behaves like a compiler-generated
default constructor, which does typically less than your user-provided
default constructor.

2. Maybe I missed something, or I haven't read the applicable section
yet, but what's with the

class my_class
     void f()&;
     void f()&&;

construct? What's it do? What's it for? How does it differ from
returning a reference?

This is a class with reference-qualified member functions. It means that
you can only invoke these functions, if the object expression is an
lvalue (f()&), or an rvalue (f()&&). E.g. the expression


will invoke f()&&, because my_class() is an rvalue, but given an lvalue
my_class mc, the expression


will invoke f()&. Ref-qualified member functions distinguish the value
category of the calling object expressions, similar to the fact that
functions with cv-qualifiers distinguish cv-qualifications of the
calling object expression.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

- Daniel Kr?gler

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