Re: rvalues and lvalues

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Thu, 3 Nov 2011 16:50:08 -0700 (PDT)
Am 03.11.2011 19:15, schrieb Jerry:

How do I write a function that will accept both rvalues and lvalues?

For example, if I write this (contrived example):

std::vector<int> & operator<< (std::vector<int> & x, const
std::vector<int>::value_type& y)
    return x;
int main()
    std::cout<< (std::vector<int>()<< 1)[0]<< std::endl;

Then I get:
Dynamo.cpp: In function 'int main()':
Dynamo.cpp:12:41: error: no match for 'operator<<' in
'std::vector<int>()<< 1'
Dynamo.cpp:12:41: note: candidates are:
Dynamo.cpp:4:20: note: std::vector<int>& operator<<(std::vector<int>&,
const value_type&)
Dynamo.cpp:4:20: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from
'std::vector<int>' to 'std::vector<int>&'

But If I change the code to:

std::vector<int> operator<< (std::vector<int> x, const
std::vector<int>::value_type& y)
    return x;
int main()
    std::vector<int> a;
    a<< 1;
    std::cout<< a[0]<< std::endl;

Then I get a segmentation fault because the vector was copied and the
change was made to the copy so the original has no 0th element.

How do I write such a thing that will accept both lvalues and rvalues?

Either add an overload that takes an rvalue-reference, like so:

std::vector<int> & operator<<(std::vector<int> && x,
const std::vector<int>::value_type & y)
   return x;

or replace the function by a (possibly constrained) function template that uses perfect forwarding:

[your includes]
#include <type_traits>

template<class T>
struct is_vector_impl : std::false_type {};

template<class T, class A>
struct is_vector_impl<std::vector<T, A>> : std::true_type {};

template<class T>
struct is_vector : is_vector_impl<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>

template<class T,
class = typename std::enable_if<is_vector<T>::value>::type

std::vector<int> & operator<<(T&& x,
const std::vector<int>::value_type & y)
   return x;

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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