Re: Why no conversion from std::initializer_list to array?
Am 21.04.2012 03:45, schrieb Ivan Godard:
This doesn't work:
std::initializer_list<int> i = {2,3};
int arr[2] = i;
Note that arrays are not copyable, therefore this assignment couldn't
work even if std::initializer_list would provide an implicit
conversion to arrays (This conversion function would need to return a
reference, though and this leads to some further complications as
described below).
Assuming you meant something like
const int (&arr)[2] = i;
or your question was meant as an alternative way to provide an
"element-by-element" initializer for an array in terms of an
initializer list, this would require that:
a) The initializing std::initializer_object is a constant expression,
like declared by
constexpr std::initializer_list<int> i = {2,3};
b) Instances of std::initializer_list are literal types that provide a
constexpr access to size().
There are good reasons for (b), there also exists a corresponding
proposal for such an extension, see
Why didn't the language include this with the rest of the uniform
initialization stuff?
This is not as simple as it might look as described above, especially
because std::initializer_list objects are just normal objects and
because they are currently not yet literal types.
There was a corresponding request to make the underlying array of
std::array available, see
which was unfortunately rejected. Personally I think that providing a
named function like c_array() would be indeed useful for std::array.
HTH & Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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