Re: Abstract base class as template parameter (for std::set comparator)
On 22 Feb., 22:16, "Aaron J. M." <> wrote:
I'm creating std::set objects with my own comparators. My comparators
are in following hierarchy, rooted at the abstract base class
class BaseCompare
virtual bool operator()(const SomeOtherClass &lhs, const
SomeOtherClass &rhs) const = 0;
Don't forget the virtual destructor!
I want to dynamically set what comparator is used when I create a
set. I want to be able to do something like this:
void something(BaseCompare &compareRef)
std::set<SomeOtherClass, BaseCompare> aSet(compareRef);
Here I'd pass either an ACompare or a BCompare. Unfortunately, my
compiler complains about BaseCompare's virtual function. Is there a
way to fix this?
The compiler warn's you rightly because of the slicing effect.
You comparison object must be at least copy constructible (if not
assignable). The solution is a simple non-polymorphic wrapper class
(i.e. a variant of the bridge pattern):
class BaseCompareWrapper
explicit BaseCompareWrapper(const BaseCompare& cmp) : pcmp(&cmp)
bool operator()(const SomeOtherClass &lhs, const
SomeOtherClass &rhs) const
return (*pcmp)(lhs, rhs);
const BaseCompare* pcmp;
Now do this:
void something(const BaseCompare &compareRef)
std::set<SomeOtherClass, BaseCompareWrapper>
Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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