Re: std::set as search tree - manipulate elements?
On Jul 17, 12:54 am, Rune Allnor <> wrote:
std::set<histbin> histogram;
std::set<histbin>::iterator i;
while (/* data coming in */)
if (i!=histogram.end())
(*i).count+=1; // <<<<<======
/* insert new bin */
The problem is the tagged line. Apparently, all elements
in std::set are declared 'const', so I am not allowed to
manipulate the elements directly. Do note that I do *not*
manipulate the histbin::bin element, which is used as the
key for sorting, and thus it ought to be safe to manipulate
the histbin::count elements.
Is there a convemient, safe way to be able to use std::set
as the search tree for this histogram?
If 'no', are there other STL containesr that can be used?
You should use std::map instead.
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