Accelerated C++ exercise 4-2 -- converting int to string?

banangroda <>
Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:23:55 CST
Here's the question and the code I wrote for it. The // comment
represents what I would like to do. Is there a really crude way of
doing that -- because the book hasn't provided any fancy methods of
doing it such as string streams, type casting, or anything like that
-- or would you suggest a different approach?

    4-3. What happens if we rewrite the previous program to allow values
up to
    but not including 1000 but neglect to change the arguments to setw?
    the program to be more robust in the face of changes that allow i to
    without adjusting the setw arguments.

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::string;
int main() {
    int from = 1;
    int up_to = 1000;
    // int pad = length of up_to
    // int pad_square = length of (up_to * up_to)
    cout << setw(pad) << "Value:" << setw(pad) << "Square:" << endl;
    for (; from < up_to; ++from) {
        cout << setw(pad) << from << setw(pad) << from * from << endl;

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