Re: std::set preallocate?

Christopher <>
Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:51:29 -0700 (PDT)
On Jun 10, 3:57 pm, Edek <> wrote:

On 06/10/2011 10:01 PM, Christopher wrote:

Got a complaint that allocation is costly for 2000 items to be
inserted into a set one by one. I need to preallocate, and depend on
the set growing, if needed, after the number of items exceeds the

Do I do so like this?

class A
       // Does set still clean up after itself?

    typedef std::pair<unsigned, std::smart_ptr> Value;
    typedef std::set<Value> Values;
    Values m_values;

No, not really. Allocators have something called 'rebind'.
Basically a set gets an allocator of T, and rebinds it to allocator
of its own internal type to carry its [meta]data.

Since these are templates, the two allocators differ in c++ type.

If you think you can outdo the standard allocators, you need to
invest into allocator requirements first, to get the formalities right;
then you need to make your allocator perform well. Take a look
at new_allocator (simple allocator just calling ::new).

Maybe there are other ways, but if you know the characteristics
of this set's usage, e.g. a set will contain 2000 elements,
then they will be mainly constant in size, you could optimise by
preallocating. Or preallocating in chunks as needed.
It's just a bit too hairy templated stuff to do so for no reason,
and not so easy to get a really good performance out of it.
Explore first; [1] is a rather easy way to start.

BTW, do you need a set? Maybe a hashset? Maybe a vector?


[1] Hi=

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Container needs to act like a queue more or less. I fill it with items
that I need to do operations on, do the operations, then erase them
from the container. However, the container has to guarentee that the
items are unique. Because the methods where they are used may receive
the same items multiple times before the time comes around to do the
operations on them.

So, I need some kind of container that is a queue of unique items.

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