problem with function calling tracker
i want to create some generic function call tracker, which logs enter/
exit of functions plus values of input & output variables for entering
respectively exiting functions.
But i hit a problem to simplify the user interface (see main.cpp).
Here's the code:
--------------------------------------------------- EnterExitMsg.h
* EnterExitMsg.h
* Created on: Oct 30, 2011
* Author: frank
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <tr1/tuple>
typedef enum
Input_c = 1,
Output_c = 2
} ParamType_t;
struct _ArgCommon
char const * const _name;
ParamType_t const _type;
char const * const name,
ParamType_t const type)
: _name(name),
{ };
template <typename T>
struct _Arg : public _ArgCommon
T const & _value;
char const * const name,
ParamType_t const type,
T const & value)
: _ArgCommon(name, type),
{ };
template <typename T>
struct InArg : public _Arg<T>
char const * const name,
T const & value)
: _Arg<T>(name, Input_c, value)
{ };
template <typename T>
struct OutArg : public _Arg<T>
char const * const name,
T const & value)
: _Arg<T>(name, Output_c, value)
{ };
// variadic template type list transformation
template <typename ...Types>
struct _ArgTuple
typedef typename std::tr1::tuple<const _Arg<Types>&...> Type;
template <typename T>
std::ostream &operator<<(
std::ostream &out,
const _Arg<T> &arg)
out << arg._name << " => '" << arg._value << "'";
return out;
struct _EnterExitMsgShared {
static int _level;
template <typename PARAMS>
class _EnterExitMsgImpl
char const * const _funcName;
const PARAMS & _params;
char const* const funcName,
const PARAMS & params)
: _funcName(funcName?funcName:"<unknown>"),
if (_EnterExitMsgShared::_level > 0) {
std::cerr << std::setw(_EnterExitMsgShared::_level) << ' ';
std::cerr << _funcName << ": enter with ";
std::cerr << std::endl;
if (_EnterExitMsgShared::_level > 0) {
std::cerr << std::setw(_EnterExitMsgShared::_level) << ' ';
std::cerr << _funcName << ": exit with ";
std::cerr << std::endl;
void PrintInput(
const PARAMS & params)
std::cerr << "input: ";
PrintTuple(Input_c, params);
void PrintOutput(
const PARAMS & params)
std::cerr << "output: ";
PrintTuple(Output_c, params);
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp>
inline typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(Tp), void>::type
PrintTuple(ParamType_t const paramType, const
std::tr1::tuple<Tp...>& t)
{ }
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp>
inline typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(Tp), void>::type
PrintTuple(ParamType_t const paramType, const
std::tr1::tuple<Tp...>& t)
_ArgCommon arg = std::tr1::get<I>(t);
if (paramType == arg._type) {
std::cerr << std::tr1::get<I>(t) << ", ";
PrintTuple<I + 1, Tp...>(paramType, t);
template <typename... Types>
class EnterExitMsg : public _EnterExitMsgImpl< typename
_ArgTuple<Types...>::Type >
typedef typename _ArgTuple<Types...>::Type PARAMS;
char const * const funcName,
const PARAMS & params)
: _EnterExitMsgImpl<PARAMS>(funcName, params)
{ };
static EnterExitMsg make(
char const * const funcName,
const PARAMS & params)
return EnterExitMsg<Types...>(funcName, params);
// non-working user-friendly version of 'make'
static EnterExitMsg make2(
char const * const funcName,
const _Arg<Types>&... params)
return EnterExitMsg<Types...>(funcName,
#endif /*ENTEREXITMSG_H_*/
--------------------------------------------------- EnterExitMsg.cpp
* EnterExitMsg.cpp
* Created on: Nov 1, 2011
* Author: frank
#include "EnterExitMsg.h"
int _EnterExitMsgShared::_level = 0;
--------------------------------------------------- main.cpp
* main.cpp
* Created on: Oct 30, 2011
* Author: frank
#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr<>
#include <iostream>
#include <tr1/tuple>
#include "EnterExitMsg.h"
#define DEBUG
int ThirdLevelProcedure(
int const & inp1,
char const * const inp2)
int retVal = 3;
#ifdef DEBUG
auto enterExitMsg = EnterExitMsg<int, char const * const, int>::make(
InArg<int>("inp1", inp1),
InArg<char const * const>("inp2", inp2),
OutArg<int>("retVal", retVal)));
std::cerr << "\thello, from ThirdLevelProcedure()" << std::endl;
return retVal;
int SecondLevelProcedure(void)
int retVal = 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
auto enterExitMsg = EnterExitMsg<int>::make(
OutArg<int>("retVal", retVal)));
#if 0
auto enterExitMsg = EnterExitMsg<int>::make2(
OutArg<int>("retVal", retVal));
std::cerr << "\thello, from SecondLevelProcedure()" << std::endl;
ThirdLevelProcedure(5, "calling ThirdLevelProcedure()");
return retVal;
int FirstLevelProcedure(
char const * const inp1)
int retVal = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
auto enterExitMsg = EnterExitMsg<char const * const, int>::make(
InArg<char const * const>("inp1", inp1),
OutArg<int>("retVal", retVal)));
std::cerr << "\thello, from FirstLevelProcedure()" << std::endl;
return retVal;
int main(
int argc,
char ** argv)
FirstLevelProcedure("calling FirstLevelProcedure()");
// SecondLevelProcedure();
return 0;
The output should be:
FirstLevelProcedure: enter with input: inp1 => 'calling
hello, from FirstLevelProcedure()
SecondLevelProcedure: enter with input:
hello, from SecondLevelProcedure()
ThirdLevelProcedure: enter with input: inp1 => '5', inp2 => 'calling
hello, from ThirdLevelProcedure()
ThirdLevelProcedure: exit with output: retVal => '3',
SecondLevelProcedure: exit with output: retVal => '2',
FirstLevelProcedure: exit with output: retVal => '1',
But when i turn on the 'make2' version for SecondLevelProcedure(...),
then it prints:
FirstLevelProcedure: enter with input: inp1 => 'calling
hello, from FirstLevelProcedure()
SecondLevelProcedure: enter with input:
hello, from SecondLevelProcedure()
ThirdLevelProcedure: enter with input: inp1 => '5', inp2 => 'calling
hello, from ThirdLevelProcedure()
ThirdLevelProcedure: exit with output: retVal => '3',
SecondLevelProcedure: exit with output:
Btw, i am sure, there is more stuff odd about it, that needs to be
cleaned up.
But for now, i am focusing why i can't make work 'make2'.
- thanks!
[ See for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]