Re: Singleton class fails on reboot

"Howard" <>
Wed, 05 Jul 2006 17:29:01 GMT
<> wrote in message


I am writing a windows service. The code runs fine when I start the
service when my machine is running but
it fails to start automatically when the machine reboots. The code
bombs out when it reaches code that tries to access
a singleton class. This is the code.

void ClientLogging::initClientErrorLog(InstallationInfo install)

 // next line fails on a reboot
 string szLogLevel =


 Logging::LogLevel severity =

 m_pFileLogAppender = new FileLogAppender(severity, logFile); //this
line fails on reboot
 if(false == Logging::Instance().addAppender(m_pFileLogAppender))



The strange thing is ClientLogging is also a singleton, the first one
that is called, and this works fine.
This is called using:


But it is inside this that the problems arise, on the line as seen

string szLogLevel =

The code just terminates.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this, any pragma.
Could this be because I initialize static variables.

We can't tell from the little code you've shown. I'd suspect that the
problem has to do with how you're using or configuring the service (e.g.,
permissions, as Doug suggests). It could also have to do with the order of
initialization of static variables, but you haven't shown those variables or
how they're initialized.

I'd suggest you ask in a windows newsgroup with any windows-related

But if you think this is really a C++ _language_ question, you could try to
temporarily change the code so that your functions don't do anything
specific to Windows, and see if you still get the same behavior. Then post
the code (with the static variables involved and how they're initialized)
here and we can help see if it's a language-related issue.


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