Re: Pure virtual functions in Template class?

Gianni Mariani <>
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 15:54:46 -0700
YellowMaple wrote:

Sorry, for the sake of brevity I excluded most of the code. Here is
an accurate representation:


class FontRegistry
    : public Registry<FTFont>
    , public Singleton<FontRegistry>


Your problem is here. This is a virtual destructor and you have not
implemented it.

Please take a few more minutes to make the code compilable (cut-n-paste)
so that the code you give shows the error without others having to guess
what are the other errors about.

This is the code I ended up with, I'm not sure it truly represents your

Another pointer, avoid #defines like the one you use for FONT_TYPE.

//in Singleton.h:

#include <string>

#ifndef __SINGLETON_H
#define __SINGLETON_H

template <typename T>
class Singleton
         static T& getInstance(void)
             if(m_pInstance == NULL)
                 m_pInstance = new T;

             return *m_pInstance;

         Singleton() { }
         Singleton(const Singleton&);
         virtual ~Singleton() { }
         Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&);

         static T* m_pInstance;


template <typename T>
T* Singleton<T>::m_pInstance = NULL;


//In Registry.h

#ifndef __REGISTRY_H
#define __REGISTRY_H

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

//#include <Design/Subject.h>
//#include <Utility/Globals.h>
//#include <Design/Singleton.h>

struct delete_ptr
     template <typename T>
     void operator() (const T& obj) const
         delete obj.second;

class Subject {};

template <typename ResourceType>
class Registry
     : public Subject
         typedef std::string resource_type;

         ResourceType* create(std::string);
         void clear();
         bool empty() { return m_list.empty(); }

         virtual resource_type getType() = 0;

         Registry() { }
         virtual ~Registry() { clear(); }
         Registry(const Registry&);
         Registry& operator=(const Registry&);

         virtual ResourceType* loadResource(std::string) = 0;

         typedef std::map<resource_type, ResourceType*> registry_list;
         registry_list m_list;


template <typename ResourceType>
ResourceType* Registry<ResourceType>::create(std::string name)
     return NULL;

template <typename ResourceType>
void Registry<ResourceType>::clear()
     //for_each(m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), delete_ptr());


//and finally, FontRegistry.h:


#include <string>

//#include <FTGLPixmapFont.h>

//#include <Resources/Registry.h>

#define FONT_TYPE ".ttf"

class FTFont {};

class FontRegistry
     : public Registry<FTFont>
     , public Singleton<FontRegistry>
         ~FontRegistry() {};

         resource_type getType() { return FONT_TYPE; }

         FTFont* loadResource(std::string) { return NULL; }

         FontRegistry() { }
         FontRegistry(const FontRegistry&);
         FontRegistry operator=(const FontRegistry&);

         class FTGLPixmapFont {};

         typedef FTGLPixmapFont FontType;

     friend class Singleton<FontRegistry>;



int main()
     FTFont* ftgl_font = FontRegistry::getInstance().create( "" );

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