Re: Singletons and destructors
On Jul 10, 2:31 pm, Rune Allnor <> wrote:
Then I did a search on c.l.c++.m to learn about singletons, and found
the thread
which makes me doubt if my strategy is a reasonable one. I can't
see the implications of all the details in that discussion, but it
sems to
be a sensitive point whether the destructor of a singleton class will
ever be called at all. If this is correct, I am not sure my idea
a singleton COM_handler class is as good as it seemed first time
So, is there a way to implement a singleton class which guarantees
that the destructor is called?
Yes. Either use a local static variable of the singleton class or use
a referenced counted smart pointer like shared_ptr. I try to avoid
singletons as much as I can, but when I need one I use something like
class singleton {
static boost::shared_ptr<singleton> instance() {
if ( ptr == 0 )
ptr.reset(new singleton);
return ptr;
static boost::shared_ptr<singleton> ptr;
The consistent use of shared_ptr ensures that you can have
interdependent singletons without incurring destruction order
problems, provided you avoid acquiring a singleton in another
singleton's destructor.
Nicola Musatti
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