Re: Global Arrays

Fri, 30 Nov 2007 02:11:12 -0800 (PST)
On Nov 30, 7:49 am, Chandra <> wrote:


I have three files in which i am using 10 arrays each of size( say
about 600 i.e A1[600],A2[600] ......A10[600]). I am having some memory
issues so i want to make use of the memory in a appropraite way. These
array are declared as global in one of the files and are being used in
the other files. But my concern i want to declare them in one of the
file as local to that file and make them available in other files too.
The reason behind this is the array declared global are available to
the other files which don't require the access to these arrays.

So on a whole my query is : How can we use the variables which are
declared local to one class.

Probably Inheritance is one of the ways to acheive this. But i don't
require this. Is there any other way to do this. Any suggestion will
be helpful to me.

Thnx in advance..


class MyArrays

        // array initialisation ...

    static MyArrays& Singleton()
        if (!m_pSingleton) m_pSingleton = new MyArrays(...);
        return *m_pSingleton;


    int m_array [NUM];
    static MyArrays* m_pSingleton;

// don't forget to init the static variable in your source (cpp) file
MyArrays* MyArrays::m_pSinglton = NULL;

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