Re: How to call a function just using a string?

Kira Yamato <>
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 00:37:53 -0500
On 2007-12-04 06:04:46 -0500, terminator <> said:

On Dec 4, 12:37 pm, dolphin <> wrote:

Hi All!
I have a question that how to call a function just using a string.
For example
There is a .cpp file named a.cpp.There are some functions::fun1()
fun2() fun3().
I have another fucntion void funcall( char *pch). if I pass a
argument char* p1="fun1" .How do I call the function fun1() using that
string "fun1"that I pass.

#include <map>
#include <string>

typedef std::map<std::string,void(*)(void)> FuncMapTypeBase;

struct FuncMapType :

const FuncMapType &funxns(){
   static FuncMapType funcs;

Will this be allowed here? FuncMapType has private constructor.

Otherwise, your code is a nice demonstration of how to do object
aggregation and singleton.

   return funcs;

void funcall(const std::string& str){




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